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Build in public on Twitch

A cohort based course that teaches you everything you need to know in order to build & grow a Twitch stream as a developer, founder or indie hacker

  • Start shipping consistently
  • Grow your engagement
  • Find your 1,000 true fans

💬 Chat

Software and Game Development

🔔 Activity



Hey, my name is Charlie

Over 5 years ago, on a bit of a whim, I began streaming myself working on projects, live on Twitch.

Doing so changed my life, and I think it could change yours, too.

Before I started streaming, I was struggling to work on my projects

I worked on my projects inconsistently


I was held back by my crippling perfectionism

I struggled to finish my projects, and never shipped them

I kicked off my first stream, with a green scarf tied to a washing line as the green screen
It wasn't long before my indie hacking journey radically changed

My ability to stay focused and work consistently skyrocketed


I connected with & received support from countless brilliant folks


I built a community of peers and friends in which we all grew together

Today, I’m very lucky to be able to ship things alongside an active and highly supportive community

Start your streaming journey

I’ll teach you everything you need to know in order to kick off your stream with a bang


  • Pre-recorded fundamentals lessons
  • A 1.5 hour live video lesson
  • Two 30 minute one-on-one calls


  • Stream setup checklist
  • Software & hardware list
  • Growth strategies


  • Access to the Discord server
  • On-going support & advice
  • Network & learn from alumini



What you’ll learn by the end of the course
  • Dive into the world of live streaming with ease

    Streaming 101

    I’ll guide you through the basics of setting up your stream and engaging with your audience in real-time.

  • What software to use and how to set it up


    You’ll learn how to quickly setup and navigate the tools to enhance your stream’s quality and view interaction, form OBS Studio to chat integrations.

  • The best gear for different budgets


    The right equipment can transform your stream. Discover budget-friendly and high-end options for cameras, microphones, and lighting that will make your stream professional and appealing.

  • Grow your project and your audience simultaneously


    I’ll share the strategies for leveraging your stream for maximum exposure, community building and product marketing. Learn how to grow your stream, your audience and your community.

What’s the word on the street?

Here’s what a few Software & Game Dev streamers on Twitch have to say



Charlie is without a doubt one of my favorite streamers. He is an expert at community building, teaching and learning in public, and creating all around great vibes.



A powerhouse of creativity, empathy & grit, super patient and always infotaining. Truly, a legend is what you are! Aside from that, completely bonkers too. Hard to not love!!



Charlie is a great mentor and friend and will accelerate your growth as a streamer and get you started with building a community you can call home.



Questions? Trepidations? Concerns?
  • 📸

    What if I’m not good on camera?

    Streaming with a camera isn’t a requirement; many successful Software & Game Dev streamers do so without a camera.

  • 🎥

    What if I don’t have the budget for all the equipment I need?

    You don’t need fancy equipment to get started—for reference, all I had was an ancient MacBook Pro and a green scarf. What’s more, a list of equipment recommendations for different budgets is included in the course, as well as a resource.

  • What if I can’t stream all the time?

    Streaming doesn’t require a full time commitment, instead you can work around a schedule that works for you.

  • 🧾

    What if it’s not for me, and I want a refund?

    If you decide that the course isn’t for you, you’re welcome to reach out for a 100% refund within 7 days of completion.

In the immortal words of Bill O’Reilly

Do it live

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